5 MYTHS THAT YOU STILL BELIEVE - VOLUME 1 - Perception 9 - It's all about your Perception

Thursday, February 15, 2018


We are exposed to huge amounts of information every day. But have you ever thought that if what you're seeing or reading is true?

We know, in most cases, you don't even think about doubting something you've heard on the news or on the radio. We want to do to get a bunch of facts and affirmations straight and decided to share this article to tell you about 5 myths you probably still believe. 

The Five-Second Rule

You're stretching your arm to get some more your favorite snack and oh no! what the hell I fell on the floor. That's okay. If you take it off the floor really quickly, the microbes won't take over your food. Seems pretty innocent, doesn't it? And it looks like nobody saw you picking your food up from the floor. So, mischief managed.

But hold on a little, turns out the germs don't really wait three or five seconds before attacking the fallen piece of food. They do it right away. 

Yes, we know it's a terrible behavior but what can we do.

Rubber Tires

Do you think that rubber tires can somehow save your car from being hit by lightning?

Well, sorry to disappoint you but this is just a myth too and thousands of people believe in it for some reason. Of course, if you end up in the middle of a storm, it's much safer to be inside the car than outside. The vehicles themselves provide a great protection from lightning but not because of rubber tires and their mystical superpowers.

When the Lightning hits the car, it gets into the metal frame that protects the passengers by being a current conductor and carrying the charge to the ground. So beware of convertibles and motorcycles most likely they won't protect you from lightning even with the most expensive rubber tires you can find.

Brain Cells Don't Regenerate

We really wanted to tell you this brain cells regenerates alright and quite quickly too. However, until 1960, scientists and ordinary people too were convinced that brain cells couldn't regenerate whatsoever unless you were Wolverine or some other gene X carrier.

Luckily, specialists from the US and Sweden colleges busted this prominent and unnerving myth. They demonstrated that the mind tissues have an astounding super power. They can independent and supplant old parts that can't work any longer. So don't worry, you won't wear your brain out.

Vaccines and Autism

Vaccinating children doesn't cause autism-like disorders. At least, nobody still has proven it.

You might think that worried mums made up these scary stories but actually, no, it's quite different. In 1998, a popular magazine published an article guaranteeing that one famous vaccine could cause a mental imbalance in kids. Afterward, this data was disproven and the magazine apologized like a thousand times yet it was past the point of no return for the gossip.

Furthermore, some parents still don't want their kids to be vaccinated and well it doesn't end pretty.

Acids Gnaw Skin

Now tell us, are you afraid of acids - all these little bottles of vinegar your mum's scared you with?

It's terrifying just to think about what can happen if even a little drop falls on your skin. But we're gonna reveal a secret for you.

Actually, most acids are pretty weak and they usually aren't salt pure, so they can't harm human skin. Of course, there are plenty of dangerous solutions like Hydrochloric, Nitric acid and Sulfuric acids. Criminals usually use them, so you're unlikely to find it just lying around.

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