The Moons Water May Be Widespread And Immobile - Says NASA - Perception 9 - It's all about your Perception

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Moons Water May Be Widespread And Immobile - Says NASA

The recent study of the data from two moon missions pinpoints the proof that water of the moon is greatly dispersed across the surface is not limited to a particular region.

This finding from the study can help the researchers of NASA to understand how the water on Moon originated and if it can be used as a resource for future exploration programme. If so, then the future explorers can use it as drinking water, convert it into Hydrogen and Oxygen for the rocket fuel and Oxygen to breathe.

According to Joshua Bandfield "We find that it doesn’t matter what time of day or which latitude we look at, the signal indicating water always seems to be present. The presence of water doesn’t appear to depend on the composition of the surface, and the water sticks around".

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The result which was similar to some previous studies had suggested that the more water was found in the polar area of the moon. And the strength of water signal ups and downs according to the lunar days i.e 29.5 Earth days.

Taking these results, some researchers suggested that the water molecules can have jumped across the moon surface until they reach the cold trap of north and south poles. A cold trap is an area which is so cold that the water vapor and other variables that come into the touch with the surface will stay stable for a long period of time, maybe up to many billion years.

The talks continue because of the difficulties of how the discovery has been concluded so far. The main proof has come for remote-sensing tools which measured the power of sunlight reflected off the moon's surface. Tools like these pick up a scary fingerprint at wavelengths near 3 micrometers, that lies beyond visible light and in the world of infrared radiation.

The recent findings of widespread and quite immobile water suggest that it may be present as OH. OH, referred as hydroxyl doesn't stay long on its own.

 The researchers are still on the table-talk what the studies tell them about the origin and source of the water on the Moon. The result of the studies point toward OH/H2O might have been created by the solar wind hitting the moon's surface.

Although, the team didn't eliminate that OH/H2O could have come from the Moon itself, slowly released from deep inside minerals where it has been locked since the Moon was formed.

Source - NASA

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  1. Hallo, als eerste weten wetenschappers waarom is waterstof op eerste plaats van natuur elementen op periodieke schaal ,ook als weten dat is nooit presenteren op breide publiek .Namelijk, als mijn theorie kwekerij van atomen op elke grote object in universum is exsact ,zou het waterstof hebben grotere radius van orbitele elektron in cirkel beweging om eigen proton . Dat zou het weer betekent dat ,elektron zou minder keer komen ,dan bij andere elementen , op zelfde plaats in cirkels en zelfde tijd tip .
    Temperatuur is lager dan bij andere elementen, alleen door aanwezigheid van elektron op zelfde plaats in zelfde tijd tip tip.Temperatuur weer bepaald specifieke aggregaten toestand van alles vollende ,koude ,doorzichtige [ in reactie van hitte elektronen krijg structuur ,vorm en kleur ]reagens massa in subatomaire ruimte net als in ruimte van heel universum .Daarom is aggregaten structuur in water stofatoom ,bjn zelfde van aggregaten structuur gewone alles vullende ,koude doorzichtige massa in heel universum .Er bestaat grootte mogelijkheid dat wetenschappers experimenteren met gewone alles vullende massa die door spectrum van maan elektronen in cirkels beweging [ voor on zichtbaar ,doordat fotosfeer dat wij zienj bij dezon is onder haarde korst bij maan .

  2. Hallo , geluid komt door botsingen van protonen met elkaar of met elektronen weer kaatsten tegen protonen transistor bol in elke grotere object in universum .,van af manen tot clusters .Door weer kaatsten elektronen verkleinen hun cirkels beweging steeds tot dimensie van atomen .Protonen zijn enigen met eigen gewicht en vastheid ,harder dan alle twee andere elementen in op bouw van materie. Daarom hun eigenschap is ook geluid en zingende sterren kunnen zich geluiden alleen door botsingen van protonen mwet elkaar of met elektronen die weer zich kunnen alleen weer kaatsten tegen protonen,maar in bol verzamelen .
