Unexplained Mysterious Events - Outer Space and Inside Our Earth - Perception 9 - It's all about your Perception

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Unexplained Mysterious Events - Outer Space and Inside Our Earth

Each day the world gains evermore knowledge regarding the world and universe around us. But every now and then, something strange happens which we simply can't explain and then we feel like a bunch of stupid know nothing dummies.

For example, where are these mysterious space signals coming from?

Why did so many people die in 2017?

And how did the world's most unsinkable ship sink?

Is there a hidden truth behind the story of Jack and Rose?

Apparently, so as you'll find out now in this article of seven unexplained mysterious events.

1. Bursts from a dwarf

Since a number of mysterious and fast radio bursts, 18 to be precise have been detected by observatories around the world. And until recently, we had no idea where they were coming from.

One such burst was picked up in 2012 by the Arecibo Observatory and on this occasion, the burst which was later given the name FRB 121102 was broadcast not just once but repeatedly for the first time we've observed. These bursts flush only briefly and release as much energy in a microsecond as our Sun does over 10,000 years. And while we don't know what's causing them, we have traced where they're coming from, a dwarf galaxy 3 billion light-years from Earth.

Scientists have speculated many possible explanations for this strange phenomenon including stars going supernova or a magnetar collapsing into a black hole. But since the discovery of their origin was only announced in early by Cornell University, we may have to wait sometime before we find out the true purpose of these peculiar bursts from outer space.

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2. The fading stars

In 2015, astronomers noticed that star KIC 8462852 also known as tabby's star, had begun to dim in brightness. And ever since we've been looking for an explanation as to exactly why it's doing this.

Theories put forward have ranged from black holes and broken planets through to alien megastructures built by a super advanced civilization. But as yet, we're still scratching our heads. And though science folks observing tabby's star might soon be in danger of scratching all the hair from there now bloodied scalps as the rate at which the star's brightness is dwindling has begun to inexplicably beat up causing even more confusion.

In December 2016, we found yet another celestial body exhibiting this strange behavior a young star called RIK-210 and Little Richard here has proven equally unwilling to give up its secrets.

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3. The sinking of the Titanic

Now, you may not think that the sinking of the Titanic is all that mysterious.

It slammed into an iceberg and sunk to the bottom of the ocean. But in actual fact, there are plenty of unanswered questions regarding the fate of this supposedly unsinkable ship. And new evidence suggests that another undocumented event may have been the real reason 1500 people lost their lives.

A secret fire.

The Titanic is known to have hit an iceberg while running at almost top speed and while this event in itself is rather mysterious, the time it took the ship to sink afterward is even more perplexing. After its hall was breached, the Titanic went down quicker for decades nobody could explain why as its structural design meant it should have stayed afloat much longer.

But a recent documentary called Titanic - The New Evidence claims to know the answer.

The documentaries premise lay on photographs of the Titanic taken shortly before she sailed from Belfast. The photographs' scrutinized reveals scorch marks on the ship's starboard side where the Titanic supposedly made contact with the iceberg. The documentary claims the blaze took place within one of the ships coal bunkers before launch subsequently distorting and weakening the ship's bulkhead steel, and thus causing its eventual sinking when it's fragile hull bashed into a giant ice cube.

The pre-voyage fire was allegedly covered up by the owner for fear of embarrassing them and ruining the ship's maiden voyage.

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The True Science of Parallel Universe - Multiverse Proof - Alternate Universe

4. Celebrity Deaths

As early as April, people were asking the question why have so many celebrities died in 2016 after David Bowie, Alan Rickman, and Prince naming only a few that snuffed it in the first four months.

And as the year went on, things only got worse.

Muhammad Ali, Jeane Wilder, both Star Wars icons Carrie Fisher and Kenny Baker, George Michaels, Queen Anne of Romania. Why did this happen and how can so many famous people die in just one year? And will this trend continue? That was not sure but the most plausible explanation seemed to indicate that 2017 will deliver us, even more, a list agony.

Many of those who died were part of the baby boomer generation born 1946 between 1964 and when a huge growth and population meant that proportionally more famous people would likely be born. But this generation is now reaching an age where cancer and heart disease become more likely and this factor combined with the rock-and-roll lifestyle of the rich and famous and the increased exposure of celebrities, thanks to the internet means that 2016 can be just the start of one big death spiral for the world of showbiz.

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5. Mass animal deaths

In the past few years, there has been an alarming number of mass animal deaths with whole flocks of birds just dropping out of the sky. One-third of the world's Saiga antelopes dying off and all kinds of whales squid and bats just giving up and laying down for the Reaper.

In some of these cases such as with the Saiga antelopes, we have discovered an underlying cause of their extreme drop in numbers. But many other events remain entirely unexplained with a majority of unsolved animal deaths involving creatures from the sea.

In the first two months of 2016 alone, there were reported mass fish deaths and this theme continued throughout the year on a level that made the celebrity extinction event look like small potatoes. 20,000 fish lobsters and other marine life washed ashore at Nova Scotia in December 2016 with disease, toxins, and predators all ruled out.

So what exactly is to blame for all of these killings?

Is it us, humans?

Yeah, probably.

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